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List of American foods

This is a list of American foods and dishes. There are a few foods that predate colonization, and the European colonization of the Americas brought about the introduction of a large number of new ingredients and cooking styles. This variety continued expanding well into the 19th and 20th centuries, proportional to the influx of immigrants from additional foreign nations. There is a rich diversity in food preparation throughout the U.S.
This list isn't exhaustive, nor does it cover every single item consumed in the United States, but it does include foods and dishes that are common in the U.S., as well as foods and dishes that originated in the U.S.


American foods

An opened fortune cookie, with the printed fortune that was inside it
A sloppy joe sandwich with a side dish of coleslaw
A traditional southern food dinner consisting of fried chicken with macaroni and cheese, collard greens, breaded fried okra and cornbread
Tex-Mex: mixed beef and chicken fajita ingredients, served on a hot iron skillet



Gouda and Swiss are common cheeses in America


Apple pie

Rice dishes

Gumbo is a dish that originated in southern Louisiana during the 18th century.


Chicken sandwich


Hot dogs with various toppings

General items

This includes general areas of food interest relating to the United States.

See also

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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